Board Meeting Notice






The Auburn Town Board will meet at

the Auburn Town Hall, 3826 St. Hwy 64,

on Tuesday, March 12, 2019 at 7 p.m.


The agenda includes, but not necessarily in this order:

Call to order, roll call, reading of the minutes and approval, review of permit

applications with possible action to approve, financial report,

audit bills and authorize payment, correspondence, public comment,

sand mine update, maintenance update and needs, discussion and possible

action on annual meeting date and time, update on petition to connect ATV trails by

opening up trails on sections of Hwy DD and Q, discussion and possible action on

ad and meeting date for blacktopping bids, discussion and possible action on spring

clean-up day date and time, discussion and possible action on an ordinance to determine record

retention schedule, discussion and possible action on approval of Clerk-Treasurer

to attend Clerk and Treasurer’s Institute in Green Bay, and adjourn.

Any changes to the agenda will be posted at the Auburn Town Hall and Town

website– up to 24 hours prior to the meeting.


Please also note:  A quorum of Plan Commission members

may also be present at this meeting. 


Public attendance and comments are encouraged.

Board Meeting Notice






The Auburn Town Board will meet at

the Auburn Town Hall, 3826 St. Hwy 64,

on Wednesday, February 13, 2019 at 7 p.m.


The agenda includes, but not necessarily in this order:

Call to order, roll call, reading of the minutes and approval, review of permit

applications with possible action to approve, financial report,

audit bills and authorize payment, correspondence, public comment,

sand mine update, maintenance update and needs, discussion and possible

action on date and time of the Board of Review and Open Book,

discussion and possible action on an ordinance to determine record

retention schedule, discussion and possible action on approval of Clerk-Treasurer

to attend Clerk and Treasurer’s Institute in Green Bay, discussion on petition to

County to connect ATV trails on 195th Ave by opening up the sections

on Hwy DD and Q, set agenda, and adjourn.

Any changes to the agenda will be posted at the Auburn Town Hall and Town

website– up to 24 hours prior to the meeting.


Please also note:  A quorum of Plan Commission members

may also be present at this meeting.


Public attendance and comments are encouraged.


Caucus Meeting 2019







NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a caucus will


be held on Wednesday, January 9, 2019 at 6:30 pm


at the Town Hall, 3826 State Hwy 64 .


Candidates nominated for all town offices


will appear on the April 2, 2019 ballot.


The following are the incumbents:



Town Chairman                Paul Scheidecker

Supervisor I                       Ben Dachel

Supervisor II                      Louise Cody




                            Judy Misner, Clerk

                                    December 27, 2018

Board Meeting Notice





The Auburn Town Board will meet at

the Auburn Town Hall, 3826 St. Hwy 64,

on Wednesday, January 9, 2019 at 7 p.m.


The agenda includes, but not necessarily in this order:

Call to order, roll call, reading of the minutes and approval, review of permit

applications with possible action to approve, financial report,

audit bills and authorize payment, correspondence, public comment,

sand mine update, maintenance update and needs, update and possible action on

Clerk-Treasurer job, Closed Session -under Wis. Stats. § 19.85(1)(c) for deliberations of the Board regarding employment, promotion, compensation, or performance evaluation data of the Clerk-Treasurer,

, discussion and possible action on cutting trees on 210th St, 225th St in the clear zone and right away,

discussion and possible action on Steinmetz fence, insurance review, set agenda, and adjourn.

Any changes to the agenda will be posted at the Auburn Town Hall and Town

website– up to 24 hours prior to the meeting.


Please also note:  A quorum of Plan Commission members

may also be present at this meeting.


Public attendance and comments are encouraged.

Special Meeting Notice



December 26, 2018



A special town meeting will be held


the Auburn Town Hall

3826 State Highway 64


Friday, December 26, 2018

at 7:00 P.M..



The purpose of the meeting will be to possibly approve/deny the original application for a liquor license for Theresa Hanson and Brad Lotts of the Alburn Bar and Grill.




Everyone is welcome to come and participate in the meeting.


Special Board Meeting Notice






December 14, 2018



A special town meeting will be held


the Auburn Town Hall

3826 State Highway 64


Friday, December 14, 2018

at 6:00 P.M..



The purpose of the meeting will be to continue to discuss the  potential candidates for the Clerk-Treasurer position and possibly take action on the following agenda item:  discussion and possibly make a decision whom to appoint for the position of the Clerk-Treasurer.

This agenda item will be held under Closed Session-under Wis. Stats. § 19.85(1)(c) for deliberations of the Board regarding employment for the position of Clerk-Treasurer over which the Board has responsibility.




Everyone is welcome to come and participate in the open session part of the meeting.


Special Town Board Meeting



December 7, 2018



A special town meeting will be held


the Auburn Town Hall

3826 State Highway 64


Wednesday, December 7, 2018

at 3:30 P.M..



The purpose of the meeting will be to continue to discuss the  potential candidates for the Clerk-Treasurer position and possibly take action on the following agenda item:  discussion and possibly make a decision whom to appoint for the position of the Clerk-Treasurer.

This agenda item will be held under Closed Session-under Wis. Stats. § 19.85(1)(c) for deliberations of the Board regarding employment for the position of Clerk-Treasurer over which the Board has responsibility.




Everyone is welcome to come and participate in the open session part of the meeting.


Special Board Meeting Notice







December 5, 2018



A special town meeting will be held


the Auburn Town Hall

3826 State Highway 64


Wednesday, December 5, 2018

at 7 P.M..



The purpose of the meeting will be to interview potential candidates for the Clerk-Treasurer position and possibly take

action on the following agenda item:  interview candidates and possibly make a decision whom to appoint for the position of the Clerk-Treasurer.

This agenda item will be held under Closed Session-under Wis. Stats. § 19.85(1)(c) for deliberations of the Board regarding employment for the position of Clerk-Treasurer over which the Board has responsibility.




Everyone is welcome to come and participate in the open session part of the meeting.

Board Meeting Notice



The Auburn Town Board will meet at

the Auburn Town Hall, 3826 St. Hwy 64,

on Wednesday, December 12, 2018 at 7 p.m.


The agenda includes, but not necessarily in this order:

Call to order, roll call, reading of the minutes and approval, review of permit

applications with possible action to approve, financial report,

audit bills and authorize payment, correspondence, public comment,

sand mine update, maintenance update and needs, update and possible action on

Clerk-Treasurer job, set the date and time of the Caucus, discussion and

possible action on cutting trees on 210th St, 225th St in the clear zone and right away,

discussion and possible action on Steinmetz fence & update, opening of sealed bids for

the John Deere L110 Lawn Mower, set agenda, and adjourn.

Any changes to the agenda will be posted at the Auburn Town Hall and Town

website– up to 24 hours prior to the meeting.


Please also note:  A quorum of Plan Commission members

may also be present at this meeting.


Public attendance and comments are encouraged.

Town of Auburn Hiring for Clerk-Treasurer Position



The Town of Auburn is seeking a person to fill the part-time position of Clerk-Treasurer.  This person will work collaboratively with Town elected officials and the community to carry out the duties of the Town Board.


Ideal candidates will have demonstrated knowledge and experience in the operation of municipal government including agenda and meeting preparation and recording of official minutes, the performance and oversight of operation activities and administrative duties related to managing the Town’s taxes, budget, website, ordinance books and election administration as required by law.  A flexible schedule, accounting background and willingness to do needed training is essential.


Minimum qualifications are a bachelor’s degree in business management, public administration, or a closely related field, and 3 to 5 years of related experience, or an equivalent combination of education and experience.


To see full job description/contract see the Town’s website at .

Click on the link at the bottom of the Home page entitled “Clerk-Treasurer Position Description”.


WAGE/SALARY for this part-time position is $15,000.00 per year.


If qualified and interested in interviewing for this position please send your resume to:

Town of Auburn, 1811 State Highway 64, Bloomer, WI  54724; or by email to:  [email protected].   by 5:00 P.M. on Saturday, December 1, 2018Resumes may also be personally delivered to:  1811 State Highway 64, Bloomer, WI by the same date and time.  Interviews will be on December 5, 2018 at 7:00 PM at the Auburn Town Hall 3826 State Highway 64, Bloomer, WI.