Board Meeting October 12th, 2022



The Auburn Town Board will meet at

the Auburn Town Hall, 3826 St. Hwy 64,

on Wednesday, October 12th  2022. at 6:00 p.m.


The agenda includes, but not necessarily in this order:

Call to order, roll call, reading of the minutes and approval, review of permit

applications with possible action to approve, financial report,

audit bills and authorize payment, correspondence, public comment, maintenance needs and update, review proposed budget, set budget meeting date and time, update on 190th Ave, discussion and possible action to transfer recovery funds to checking account, set agenda, and adjourn.

Any changes to the agenda will be posted at the Auburn Town Hall and Town

website– up to 24 hours prior to the meeting.


Please also note:  A quorum of Plan Commission members

may also be present at this meeting. 


                                                   Public attendance and comments are encouraged